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Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in New Hampshire

When obtaining homeowners insurance quotes, you may have difficulty determining whether you’re getting a good rate, especially if you’re purchasing your first home. Although homeowners insurance rates depend on a variety of factors, it helps to review some statistics to provide you with a gauge as you begin your search.

What is the Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in New Hampshire?

average cost of homeowners insurance in new hampshireAccording to Trusted Choice®, the average cost of homeowners insurance in New Hampshire is $791 per year. This is lower than both the northern-region average and the national average, which are about $890 per year and $909 per year respectively.

Although these figures will give you a general idea of what to expect in terms of premium, it’s important to keep in mind that many factors influence the cost of homeowners insurance in New Hampshire, including the size of your home, its location, the year it was built, its construction, and the value of its contents. Independent insurance agents like us will take the time to learn about your home and quote your coverage with each of the many reputable insurance companies we represent to help you secure the best coverage at the lowest possible rate.

Find Out What Your Homeowners Insurance in New Hampshire Will Cost – Get a Free Quote Today!

At Eaton & Berube, we’ve been helping New Hampshire residents secure affordable, dependable homeowners insurance coverage for more than 70 years. When we quote your coverage, our experienced agents will ask you all the right questions to ensure that you receive all of the homeowners insurance discounts for which you qualify, keeping your cost as low as possible.

In addition to Nashua where our office is located, we are pleased to provide homeowners insurance in Hudson, Hollis, Brookline, Litchfield, Amherst, Merrimack, Bedford, Manchester, Milford, Concord, Goffstown, Derry, Salem, Londonderry, Windham, Wilton, Mont Vernon, and all of New Hampshire. To get a free quote for homeowners insurance in New Hampshire, call us today at 603-882-2766 or submit our online quote form and one of our knowledgeable agents will get back to you with a quote as soon as possible.

average cost of homeowners insurance in new hampshire

Prefer an instant quote? Click here to input a little more information and get immediate, comparative New Hampshire homeowners insurance quotes from the different companies we represent.


“Recently I returned from a long awaited family vacation. However, the day we were leaving to come home one piece of luggage was stolen off the train. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to do other than report it to the police. It never occurred to me to make an insurance claim until a friend suggested it. When I called Eaton and Berube I was treated with kindness and respect, felt the agent truly cared about the loss I had experienced. Her guidance and advice was professional and thoughtful. Once the claim was filed I had a few questions which she promptly answered and also made follow-up inquiries to be sure everything was going smoothly for me. Thank you Eaton & Berube for training your staff to have exceptional customer service skills. Although with this particular agent, I’m quite sure it comes very naturally to her.”


Ellen M. Roposa

filed a personal homeowners insurance claim in mid-January 2013

Manchester, NH resident
